Preparation course for IELTS test in Nostalgia Institute.
To fulfill your dreams and achieve your desired score join our IELTS preparation course.
If you are an undergraduate student or university graduate and you are planning to achieve either Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PHD degree abroad or inside your county, or if you are planning to become a strong candidate to increase the opportunity of receiving a scholarship in a high-ranking university, a desired score in IELTS will certainly provide the best chance of success for such purposes. A high IELTS score helps you achieve your goals and opens new gates towards future academic opportunities.
Nostalgia institute offers an IELTS preparation course for students, university teachers, and employees. The course is intense and practical with an affordable price.
The course features:
The participants will be classified into two parts based on their English level:
1- The participants who have met the requirements of language proficiency for IELTS course can enroll in the course instantly. Throughout the course, they will be familiarized with the techniques required for IELTS exam and develop their academic skills.
2- Those participants who are below B1 level have to enroll in an English course. Afterwards, they can join IELTS preparation course.
The course includes several offers as follows:
- An IELTS speaking course for two months
- Four IELTS preparation mock tests
- A four-hour IELTS grammar course
The offers will be open for a year beginning from the starting date of the IELTS preparation course.
The course will be instructed by Mr. Ghareeb Salih who holds a Master’s degree from Durham University, in Britain. He is an expert trainer who has many years of experience preparing participants for the IELTS examination.
Course details:
IELTS Speaking:
In this section, the participant will be familiarized with the required speaking techniques that are necessary for answering the questions during the exam.
IELTS Listening:
Familiarizing participants with different parts of listening skills, note- taking and the requirements for answering the questions
IELTS Writing:
The participants will be prepared for academic writing, project, and writing essays (250 words) and reports (150 words). They will get feedback from the instructor in order to be familiar with accurate and effective writing.
IELTS reading:
The participants can improve their reading skill, such as practicing skimming and scanning strategies.
Course duration and cost:
The course price including the three free offers is (200$).
The course will last for five weeks, three days a week, two hours per class.
Morning class | 9:30 – 11:30 |
Afternoon class | 4:00 – 6:00 |
Evening class | 6:00 – 8:00 |